Sunday Salon ~ September 28th, 2008

Okay folks, I am not ready for October and the end of the year that are waiting for us on the other side of this weeks hump.  I feel like time has sped up to a breakneck pace in the last couple of months and it is FREAKING ME OUT!  My to do list seems never ending, not to mention my TBR ARC stack. 

This past week I’ve been reading Ad Hudler’s upcoming release Man of the House.  It is a refreshing read of a novel about a guy who has reversed roles with his wife and is the stay-at-home parent in their family.  He has a teen daughter who is his pride and joy, a wife who works too much but because of her job makes it possible for him to stay at home in their new home town in south Florida and renovate the house he wanted for that very reason.  It’s interesting to read a character who is the minority in the pick-up line at his daughter’s prep school and is a fish out of water when it comes to macho, testosterone fueled hobbies and work.  He is happiest in his kitchen, which he has been displaced from due to renovations, cooking and creating great dishes for his family.  So far I am enjoying this fresh look at the American family and I like Ad Hudler’s story telling style. 

What are you reading this weekend?  Are you reading Oprah’s new book club pick or are you reading something so far from the mainstream that most of us book bloggers wouldn’t even be familiar with the title?